By Way of Introduction - by Jon

I figured I should post something before Ian points out that my laziness was why the old Irish Bull bellied-up.
I am a terrible blogger. Seriously, check out my old blog here if you don't believe me. There's something just... I don't know, delicious about seeing a 7 month old headline post about how someone is going to blog more often. I just can't keep up with it, for several reasons:
1) Most of my creative energies go towards Golden Words, a weekly humour newspaper published at Queen's University at which I seem to have accidentally climbed the ladder to "editor". When people ask me if I blog, I usually say something along the lines of "I blog each week to 9,000 people, biznatch!". Then they point out that "biznatch" isn't a word, and newspapers are by definition not blogs. I usually respond with unwarranted insult to their family lineage.
2) I work for a government agency that sucks up quite a bit of my time. I can't really talk about it, but I will give you a few solid hints: I protect our country from tourists and visiting American businessmen, and I have a nifty uniform and stamp. Oh, and an ulcer the size of a basketball. Give up? If you answered "Health Canada", don't hold your breath waiting for the Prize Patrol to come to your door: You will probably die.
3) Aren't all blogs pretty self-indulgent? I mean, doesn't this all start from the assumption that I have something unique and insightful to say, or that my life is so goddamned interesting that it deserves publishing on the interweb? Am I so vain?
The answers to this and much more as The Irish Bull develops. In the meantime, this is Zero-Echo-Niner, over and out.
Well Jon, I'm interested to see if you and Ian can actually pull this off. After reading both of your individual blogs til they died, I expect to be entertained, but maybe not for that long. :) So far Paul seems to be the only one who can keep this kind of thing going...
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