Attention Reader: The Irish Bull is now a travel blog - a note from Jon
I say "reader" instead of "readers" intentionally, because I hold no illusions when it comes to the fact that nobody reads this thing except for Ian and I.
A quick backgrounder: Ian and I (Jon, the more awesome of the two) have been chums since elementary school. In the ensuing years since Grade 6, Ian has moved to Calgary, and I now live and work in Toronto. The Irish Bull is a blog we update every once in a while, when one of us has something to say. I thought this would be a good opportunity to blog my trip to the West Coast.
To that end, the picture below graphically represents what I’ve been up to today. I had help from a plane for the middle parts.
The plan is as follows:
Keep checking this space for updates and photos. It's no, but I'll try the best I can to keep everybody in the loop.
Good words.
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