A Deadly Game of Blog Chicken - by Jon
Thursday Night.
11:24pm. EST
Time to Deadline: 36 minutes.
Ian is online right now. MSN for sure.
Probably Facebook, too, although I haven’t checked.
I’m not saying “hi” to him. He’s not saying “hi” to me.
I know he’s waiting to see if I’ll update the ‘Bull.
He’s not saying “hi” to me because if he does, he thinks it will remind me that an update is due, and I’ll have a chance to scramble together 200 words and keep alive in the bet.
He’s wrong. I’m writing, and waiting.
He’ll say something, though. Probably 2 minutes before midnight. Just long enough to think about defeat. He’ll be too late, though. I’ll be posting by then.
I’m writing, waiting, and playing a game.
A deadly game of Blog Chicken.
Who will flinch first, Ian? You, or me?
11:31pm. EST
Time to Deadline: 29 minutes.
Ian just sent me an MSN message. Olympics-related. Forget everything I just said.
My favourite thing on the internet so far today is this post I came across on Yahoo! Answers:
JFK Assassination Help???
Brunettelady622 asks,
I'm writing an essay about the JFK Assassination and I'd like to know if Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone or was he part of a conspiracy in the assassination? I checked different sites but they don't know for sure. This is a question I have to answer.
A few thoughts:
1) Recent studies have shown that you can now cite internet sources as reliable, scholarly information (Some Internet Guy, 2008). Fuck libraries. Fuck 'em!
2) I'm really sure that there are people out there who know the definitive answer to this question. I'm also really sure that those same people, who have successfully kept one of history's greatest secrets for nearly 45 years, aren't going to let the cat out of the bag on Yahoo! Answers just because you ask nicely.
3) "this is a question I have to answer" ? What the hell are the parameters of this assignment? Who's teaching this class?
I had to write some killer essays in my day, but demanding a definitive answer on the Kennedy Assassination seems a bit extreme. I wish I knew what grade-level this girl is in.
One for the Torontonians:
NFL Game Prep Snarls Traffic
"In fact, the backup from the Spadina exit on the eastbound Gardiner has traffic tied up beyond the Humber River."
Followed by the surprisingly optimistic,
"[Hosting an NFL pre-season game] is a unique opportunity for the City of Toronto ... it's great for the fans and we just ask that people be patient."
Yeah, so, to anybody who had to go to the Rogers Centre today, sorry that the lineup for the game started in ETOBICOKE.
Time to Deadline: 10 minutes.
Ian is salivating.
Of this, I'm sure.
Anticipation of winning the bet, or unrelated drooling problem?
You be the judge.
Time to seal the deal.
Another post, b*tches!
The war rages on.
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