Of Cars and Cockiness - Ian
I may be living some thousands of kilometres from Jon at present, but I can feel his nerves. He's scared about this challenge. His last posts have been laden with macho posturing, but it's just that. It's all a show. Since he threw down that smelly gauntlet, he's probably lost about 15 pounds through sweating alone. If you know Jon, you know that's not a significant amount of weight, but still impressive. Maybe this challenge is supplement to a diet he's started and not told me about. But I digress. The point of this rant is to say to our massive readership that I will not fold!
I should also add that I am writing this post from work, writing a full thirteen and a half hours before deadline. (edit: Turns out I was writing this a full sixty-one and a half hours before deadline, and almost forgot to post the effing thing before midnight, but didn't. Eat it, Jon.)
20 minutes have passed and I can't think of anything to write. Browsing news sites hasn't turned up any gems. Jon must have some sort of sway over the media. Don't know how, but he must.
Hey, here's a thought I just had. Both readers, any input on this? I will soon be in the market for a new automobile. The lease on my 2005 Civic is just about up and I'm wanting something new. I would love a VW Rabbit, but it's just a bit more than I can afford, so I've been looking at other hatchbacks. Eventually, I decided to start checking out domestic cars because, well, they're losing money, and I figure I can probably get a Corvette for about 19 bucks. While browsing GM's site, I came across the 2009 Vibe. It's actually a pretty sweet looking car. I hear they used to handle like a 3-wheeled shopping cart, but maybe that's changed. It's sleek, comes pretty loaded even in the base model and this is what I don't get: It costs less per month to BUY than it does to LEASE, by about $150 per month. I have never heard of this.
I'm no moneyologist. I took wordandsentenceology in school. This makes no sense to me. Are things that bad at GM now? I've been away from the 'Shwa for a few years, but wow, this blows my mind. So, shit, come December, I may be a Pontiac driver for the first time since I drove my phat 1991 Firefly in high school. Refer to the TIB archives for stories involving the blue beast and related follies!
Hope y'all had a good weekend. It was a heater in Calgary, complete with a buttload of sun, and I did little more than celebrate birthdays and play soccer. Peace out.
I can't believe that in a single post, you:
1) Called me fat, and;
2) Implied that I have some kind of Jewish stranglehold on the media.
Why are we friends, again?
But you ARE right - GM is sinking fast, and they know it. Might I reccomend the Pontiac Solstice? You'd be driving Jazz from Transformers.
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