You waited two months for this!? - by Jon
I took a break from blogging, mostly for two reasons:
1) Every blog entry tended to be some variation on "Waaah! Grad school sucks! I hate my life! Waaah!"
2) I'm really lazy.
But every once in a while, you have a conversation that puts things back into perspective. I was working on an essay at my parents' house in Oshawa tonight when the phone rang. This is pretty much the conversation, verbatim:
Jon: Hi, Uncle Chris! How are you?
Uncle Chris: Not bad, how are you... (clearly forgetting my name)... boy?
Jon: not bad, a bit stressed out.
Uncle Chris: Stressed out? At your age, what do you have to be stressed out about?
Jon: Well, I'm...
Uncle Chris: Do you have a $140,000 car loan?
Jon: ... no.
Uncle Chris: Is a girl pregnant?
Jon: No.
Uncle Chris: Let me talk to your father.
So, there you have it. I'm only 20K in debt, and I'm not a babydaddy. Viva life!