Tuesday, August 26, 2008

In Tha Zone - Ian

I'm going to level with y'all. I really don't feel like writing today. As I may have mentioned before, while I work for as a public servant to pay the bills, it's hardly my dream career. I want to write for a living. While my samplings provided here certainly give no indication I have any potential or this so-called "talent" to do this for a living, it's the thing I want to do more than anything. In fact, until a few minutes ago when I remembered it was my evening to write here, I was continuing work on a story I've been working on for some time now. Well, I started it a few months ago, then, like most things I start, I left it.

Then, one night, after a deep, drunken and spiritual conversation with a drunk accountant and aspiring business owner, I decided to dig this back up and try to finish what I had begun. Perhaps my writing skills will one day be able to pay the bills. The thought of that makes me giggle, to be terribly honest, but who knows? The geniuses at Penny Arcade make a living off their site now, through their own humble beginnings.

Now, the question on everyone's mind is: What is this epic story you're working on, Ian? Well, the inspiration for the story came from a clock on my office wall. I will leave it at that. I have no idea who reads this and would be desperate enough to steal an idea with such feeble inspiration. But such a clown might be out there, so I will keep this under wraps. If it somehow gets published, I'll be the first to gloat, perhaps offering an "In your face!" to Jon.

Where is that guy, anyway? Haven't talked to him in some time.

That said, I was in the middle of a thought, when I remembered the challenge I refuse to luse. See what I did there? I unnecessarily altered the spelling of "lose". I think it's modern and hip.


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