Sunday, September 14, 2008

Life is grand, bitches - Ian

It's a surprisingly warm Sunday in September out here in Hicksylvania, AB, aka Calgary. The sun is shining, people are outside, oil changes are being performed and the New York Jets are losing to the New England Patriots on the television set. But, I'm not here to talk about any of those things. I think.

Good lord, I have tried not once, not twice, but thrice to begin this second paragraph, so I'm just going to leave it at this and then move on to the third.

Eat it, paragraph 2!

I believe I'm part of a growing movement of youngish people that are doing away with the landline and living exclusively with a cellular telephone. Why? I'm not really sure. People used to and still say they don't like being able to be reached wherever they are, but is that really so bad? I like being available wherever I am. What if it's important? What if I need to communicate something important to someone? And plans are slowly improving. For less than 60 bucks a month, I have more than enough minutes to talk locally and long distance and text to my hearts content. Why would I pay for that and a landline? Why, I ask you? Why?

Hmm. Kind of exhausted that a bit sooner than I thought. Man, no wonder I don't get paid to do this for a living and work as a public servant. That doesn't require creativity. In FACT, creativity is sorely frowned upon. I'm being conditioned to be boring and just follow the rules. Maybe that's just what growing up is. Giving up the dream, moving to Calgary and starting a boring yet stable career because you got a stupid BA from McMaster.

Shit, that IS what it is! Just you wait til Friday. I'm going to be pumped to be sucking on the public service teat and full of optimism and excitement and subject material. Also, I'm going to see Burn After Reading tonight. Maybe I'll write a review of that. I'll be a new Gene Siskel, except alive.


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