Still Not Worth Reading - by Jon
This past Tuesday night, I realized that it would be impossible for me to make my blog post on-schedule. I phoned Ian immediately, and informed him of this fact; I also told him that if he was unwilling to post, that I would simply concede defeat. Ian, being the good sport that he is, covered my blog post and offered to keep the competition going. It was a fine show of sportsmanship.
So, here I am, hunched over my buddy Dave's desk, trying to hammer out 200 words in record time (what record, you ask? I don't know. The blogging record). This will not be a witty, insightful, or well-written post. I will try for one of those next week, when I get my internetz situation worked out. In the meantime, though, I offer you Jon's Week in Brief:
Internet: Still not at home.
4-Way Intersections: I'm logging one near-collision per day. Toronto drivers are fucking idiots.
Delicious Madanto's Pizza: Less available at my new house than it was at my old apartment. This can only mean good things for my health.
Cocaine: WAY more available at my new house than it was at my old apartment. This will only mean good things for my health if today is Opposite Day.
Opposite Day: Canada needs to declare one, and make it a holiday.
Green Bin: We don't have one at our new house, yet. My roommate has been meticulously sorting the kitchen garbage into two separate cans, and I have been combining them into a single, larger bag in the garage. I figure, if I can get a Green Bin within the next week, he'll never know the difference (unless he reads this blog, but let's be serious - NOBODY reads this blog).
Environmentalism: I am only an environmentalist insofar as it does not interfere with my daily routine, or cause me inconvenience. Welcome to my Carlsberg Years.
Will make this up next week. Promise. Really and for true.
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