Tuesday, September 09, 2008

A Day of Fiascos - Ian

I have a lot I could talk about today for once, and since I'm not writing this at 11:49 or so, I could go into some level of detail, but we all know that's never really been my style. Besides, pro bloggers have probably blogged the shit out of things happening in the world today.

1. The Puffin Shit Fiasco - Personally, I find this hilarious. For those of you who didn't hear, a terribly juvenile - but official - Conservative attack site went up, depicting Liberal leader Stéphane Dion as a dorky professor with slanderous crap written on the blackboard behind him. All this was topped off by a naturally flightless bird taking wing and pooping on his shoulder. And this is what I have to come to hate in Canadian federal politics. Given, Stephen Harper was totally derailed having to deal with this, apologising and planning on how to erase the existence of the web designer responsible, but that's all this is about now. It's mudslinging and slander and attacks and shitty portrayals of politicians as family men and I'm tired of it.

2. The CERN Reactor Fiasco - Allegedly the world's most powerful physics experiment is going to be launched on Wednesday, which doomsayers say is going to create a black hole and destroy the planet and possibly the universe. I don't have the attention span to really get it, but a friend of mine says it won't happen, and she's pretty smart. She also helped in the development of the thing and she doesn't seem the intentional destruction of the world type. Though on one hand, I hope she's wrong. No life, no more student debt. Eat it OSAP!!

3. The TV Fiasco - So, today at work I was speaking geekily with friends about that episode of the Simpsons where Homer goes to Clown College as well as the ice planet Hoth of Star Wars Episode 5 fame. Just 45 minutes, I sat down and flipped channels, when lo and behold, that episode of the Simpsons was on the Spokane, WA Fox affiliate and simultaneously SW Ep 5 was on Spike. I found this odd. Does this happen to other people, or is it just me that has this uncanny, useless and unpredictable psychic ability to unwittingly foresee the future?

4. Numbering Items in Post - Not a bad idea, Jon. Not bad. I like it.

And I'm going to leave it there. While watching the Jets-Dolphins game on Sunday I suddenly came over all sick and I've been fighting it, but I think it's getting worse. Viva Nausea!


At 3:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Puffins *CAN* fly.... or else they have super turbo jets that activate underwater to propel them 100km off shore to their fish stocks... or maybe they can hold their breath for a really long time?

At 3:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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